Winter was long and Spring has been wet. This is the first weekend without rain for both days since September. Reports are that lots of keeps have lost many hives over the Winter. Glad that I got my two to make it. Went into the hives about 2 weeks ago. Little capped brood but eggs. Put some 60% feed on them. One hive took it up. The other was not that interested.

Today several frames of capped brood and various stages of larva. Some drone come. Few frames of capped honey a couple more with wet nectar. Lots of pollen being brought in.

I overwintered in a deep and an medium each. Both queens are laying in both. I needed to add a fresh deep of foundation. Didn't want break up the brood cluster, so put it on the bottom in the hope they'll draw it out. Added some honey frames to the new box and moved this new ones into the side of the old deep. Thinking of putting an excluder in between old deep and the medium to keep her out of there and let the brood hatch. By then the new deep should be started to be drawn. And I can reverse the deeps. Like try to keep honey that I might want harvest in mediums and brood in deeps.

Big leaf maple is coming on strong and fruit trees a staring to bloom. Weather has everything blooming together.

Hoping the blackberry and snow berry are good this year. With all the moisture they should be.

Carpe' Scrotum