Our cabin is a couple of miles from the White Mountain Apache Reservation, and I usually go out a couple times each week to watch elk. I've lost count of the herds I've watched cross roads that have cattle fences on each side, but it's probably at least 500 over the past 45 years. Bulls and cows can walk right up to a cattle fence and clear it effortlessly, but the calves sometimes hit the top wire, fall on the other side and limp off.

As for knocking down fences, way back when we first bought our cabin's land I spent a lot of time building a fence with oak posts and aspen rails. A year or two later, I drove up to the cabin after dark and spooked a herd that was in our front yard. They took out two sides of fencing on our two-acre parcel in an instant.

I never bothered to repair it

Bill Quimby