The standard, quite reasonable reply to when someone asks "can I shoot it because i did/didn't do thing (x) in (y) period of time?", is: shoot it. If it works, shoot it as much as you want and IF it does not work/ceases to work, THEN have a look. FWBs are extremely durable rifles with very few problems and as far as I know, the rifle itself will not get worse if a seal breaks or something like that. Accuracy and/or muzzle velocity can get worse, but it's just an indicator of something that needs to be taken care of. It will not break if the seals are bad: it just needs new seals. So shoot it with your heart's content and IF it shows signs of not performing as it should, then make an overhaul...but don't keep it gathering dust just because you're afraid to shoot it.

Last edited by ScorpioFIN; 05/13/17.