You do not need a guide to hunt any state land in Wyoming if you are a resident. If you are not a resident of Wyoming, you still do not need a guide to hunt the vast majority of state lands only some of the largest wilderness areas in the lower 48. If you're not from around here, but think you'll be fine whatever you do, you may be right or maybe just 'special', if you're not it's gonna take one hell of a search and rescue to try to find you. It happens often, several times a year, at the expense of a population for our whole state that is probably less than many towns where you're from. There is so much forest and BLM here you can hunt without a guide, and even get closer to with a road, we locals prefer you go there -- or hire one of us to help you in the way back country. There may be some exceptions to the 'usual' out-of-state hunters, especially here at the Fire, but truth be told, most of them are a bunch of numb nuts.