Hi Guys sorry for the delay. Was out the whole day yesterday.
Will reply to PM shortly.
The bag is one big bag or two or the brass. I got these half processed and half once fired. Finished depriming and resizing and then cleaned them up again.

The 538 loaded are SPF
OK I see the confusion. there is 1 bag of 427 cases. should have re-read that sentence!

Both are SPF. Thanks.
Ntang45 has first dibs on the 357 sig brass.
Gungeezer on the reloads.

PM's replied to.

Last edited by ColTemp; 06/09/19.

You can never be too prepared. Proverbs 27:12 -- “A prudent person foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.”

The prudent Campfirer trains and prepares.