It is a real job that pays real money. Very good money.

It is a bureaucrats job in the largest useless, ineffective bureaucracy in the world.

You will attend endless meetings with self important third worlders who will drone for hours on their self importance.
You will read reports from other bureaucrats, written with dictionary and thesaurus in hand, that will promote the view of the powers that be in that section.
You will generate more reports using those reports to send up the chain, while being careful to never take a stand or make a definitive point.

You will attend social functions to self promote and for self defense to keep you position. You will do a lot of this.

Your primary function will be to insure lifetime employment for third worlders within the UN bureaucracy.
You do all this knowing that in the end it means nothing and has no real effect on the world except to generate more reports and resolutions.

Nothing happens in the UN with out US backing.
Nothing happens in the UN without the US paying for it.