I've never hunted there, but FWIW, about a year and half ago, February/March time frame, I saw a couple hundred head of elk (two separate herds of about 100 each) just east of San Antonio Mountain, out in the flats, between 285 and the Gorge. No trees around for miles in any direction, just ankle-high grass and brush. They were in a depression about two miles from 285 and weren't actually visible from the road. Mostly cows, but probably about 15 or so smallish bulls in each group (five point being the biggest), that hadn't yet shed their antlers. I don't know if they're just there for the winter or not. On the same trip, I saw another group of about 50 head, again with some smallish bulls mixed in, in the gap between Cerro de la Olla and Cerro Chiflo, and then several smaller groups of fives and tens on the south, west, and north sides of Cerro de la Olla. I didn't actually do any hiking on Cerro de la Olla, I was just doing a site seeing drive around it. There were a bunch of signs of a well-established elk camp in the gap. Some of the elk in the fives and tens looked to me like bulls that had already dropped.

I have a co-worker that regularly bow-hunts there. He's always into animals but has yet to tag out.

Hope I'm not giving anyone's big secret away...

Good luck to you.