Originally Posted by Daveinjax
Originally Posted by mtnsnake
The democrats are betting on keeping the house and wining the senate. With both senate and house they will not care who is president. They can impeach any president with democrat control in both houses. The democrat anti-American/socialist/communist stacking the Supreme Court with liberal judges, their policies, confiscating all firearms, rules, regulations, and taxes of 70% to 90% will destroy America forever if we do not vote the democrats out of power in the 2020 election. They want to shut down the coal mines, the oil wells, gas wells, and nuclear power plants. They want health care for all, free medical coverage, and free college. They want open borders. Democrats want a one world government. They should be removed from office and off all the ballots for they offer nothing for America or the people to help make the country better.

Without the presidency they’re not going to be able to do chit. There’s no way they can get to a veto proof majority. All that can be accomplished is shutting down the government when the continuing resolution funding runs out. The Democrats will come to the table when the welfare constituents run out of money and big business can’t do business with regulators shut down.

They can keep Trump from seating another Judge scotus or otherwise, thats a big deal

The collection of taxes which are not absolutely required, which do not beyond reasonable doubt contribute to public welfare, is only a species of legalized larceny. Under this Republic the rewards of industry belong to those who earn them. Coolidge