Originally Posted by johnw
Did it ever occur to you to call some of the state land along the Wisconsin River?

I figured I had several years to go before drawing a tag, so I was surprised to get mine in the mail this year. When applying, I never really put much thought into it.

So once in hand, I started researching dates and areas. Come to find out, the state is divided in half at highway 64 for the north/south zones. Plus, there is a split season, Oct 17th through Dec 25th, then the 26th through the end of Jan. I drew 1st season in the northern zone, which come to find out, is the easiest to draw.

Despite not scoring, I gave it a decent effort, & had a good hunt. Early on, I was wishing I had drawn around here, but if I were given a tag tomorrow, I'd get the same again.