Originally Posted by VAnimrod
Go back and find out why marijuana was made illegal in the first place, figure out what groups are the leading proponents of continued illegal status for the plant, and you'll have a much more clear answer as to what the real dangers are, to whom, and who benefits from the illegal status of the plant.

Here are a few hints:

The two people most responsible for making it illegal in the first place: William Randolph Hearst and Pierre Dupont.

Those that benefit most from the illegal status of the plant (in order): DEA, ATF, FBI.

That deserves attention.

I smoked both tobacco & marijuana back in the 60's and guess which I dropped the use of decades ago? (Hint: I still buy store bought tobacco.)

The marijuana laws now on the books are actually a hinderence to law enforcement more suitably focusing on more important, difficult crimes.

Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. -- Daniel Webster