A friend loaned me his pole saw a few years back and we were cutting briars in a briar thicket to get a tripod stand in a forty yd wide grudge fence area .
Briars were 6’ tall .
Some saplings thumb thick .
Fought the saw for a bit and thought , wonder how the hedge trimmer attachment would work ?
Put that on and started sweeping the briars about mid hieght and then just above ground .
What a breeze , saplings and all , no hang ups or choking the saw just mowing down briars .
Told my buddy about it and he tried it at his stand areas and was amazed at ease of cutting .
This farm had these grudge fences all over it , about 1200 acres of farm some of the grudge fences was close to a hundred yds across with big timber tree lines in them .
Place was a killer place to hunt .