Originally Posted by FreeMe
Absolutely agree with all of that - except that everything I've ever read about it points out an immediate blaming of the existing guns and calibers. When I read detailed account of the encounter, it's pretty clear that tactics and marksmanship were the primary failings. I would argue that the 9mm round employed wasn't even the best at the time.

Anyway, I'd be the last to argue against the facts that we have benefitted from the science that resulted and that the 40 (10mm lite) was a significant improvement in effectiveness (over 9mm) at the time. My only argument is with the claim that a more effective caliber than what existed at the time (as opposed to what was employed that day) was needed.

I understand your position FreeMe and, based on what you've read, you certainly are entitled to that opinion. Had I read only the same stuff you've read, I'd likely hold the same opinion.

I have personal knowledge that there was more than "an immediate blaming of the existing guns and calibers". The firearm type/caliber was only ONE thing that the FBI addressed/changed.

Good discussion though.