As much as I hate to say it, I dont think ANYTHING we do will make a difference here. We are dealing with a government that is willing to break the law, and ethics laws to get what ever they want.

If they are so willing to make deals with the NDP just to gain more control again, they will stop at nothing to get their agenda completed! Lets face it, they openly lie that hunting firearms are not included in the prohib plan, yet there they are, in black and white! Thats not even semantics! It is outright blatant deception!

Our countrys history is very peaceful, and therefore we as a populace never uprise in a violent nature. Look at the trucker convoy. Epically peaceful and typically Canadian in approach. But our government was distinctly violent to the people. And it was purposefully planned to be such! Rule by force, not debate. Isnt that a typical Lie-beral personality trait!?

I feel so bad for my sons futures! It doesnt look bright or cheerful! Western Canada needs to seperate, and create a viable future where respect for one another is commonplace. Not like it is now!