Originally Posted by ol_mike
Teacher or anybody else who invites 12 year old girls to a secret meeting and tries brainwashing them to believe they're boys not girls >??< WHY hasn't someone had a secret meeting with the person who did that ?????????

It's because this country is chock full of [bleep] too puzzified to stand up for their children.
If the Art teacher received a broken jaw/20 missing teeth/multiple broken ribs and a warning to never speak another word of this trans BS to anybody, they'd stop this crap. Until ''MEN" get back to being men none of this will stop, who's scared of a talker? >Nobody ,, who's scared of someone who will run out of the shadows and beat their head in?? Nearly everybody.

Sitting around dwelling over ''why it's happening'', ''what can we do'' blahblahblah actions speak far louder than words.
Believe me the word would get around real quick that people have had enough.

BUT chipsNdips, honey hand me another pepsi,,,, I bet there's not a single case of what I wrote in this entire nation......

Absolutely spot on, nailed it. Nothing else needs to be said. [/thread]