Why the question mark Krw708? That should be a statement of fact, not a question. I've been riding Rokons for over 40 years having had a '76 with a Chrysler engine, '98 with a Honda engine and an '06 with the Kohler engine. We have trees here and unless a guy has an open woods or road, a tight woods stops any ATV or side by side with four wheels. Rokons aren't that comfortable to ride, but nothing stops them. We rode 350 pound bears out on the back of mine, or two deer at a time, or one over the top of a beaver dam, or through a stream because they float, or down a deer trail, or just make your own trail. They aren't a snowmobile, but because they are narrow they don't get high sided like something wider with wheels. I've seen a you tube video of a guy driving over a picnic table with his. A real specialized ATV cycle to be sure, but fun.

My other auto is a .45

The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of low price has faded from memory