It gives such a good feeling when you are able to give of oneself to help another. Growing up on the Farm, the philosophy was "If you can help someone and it doesn't hurt you, Do It." A famer neighbor had a heart attack and died unexpectant one night and had 2 large hayfields mowed. My Dad said go rake it (I think I was 13) and then we baled it all and put it in the barn for them. He did not ask, just did it. There were a number of other times we did such things for a neighbor in need. Where I live now, I often plow all my neighbors driveways in the Winter if we have heavy snow. I don't ask, I just do it as I have the equipment and they don't. Plus, they still work and I am retired. I am sure it is nice coming home to a plowed driveway after working all day. I am sure many of the fine Gents on this Board do likewise for their neighbors. I can sense that from the posts you all make. But is that type of thing dying in todays society? Are we becoming more self centered and less "neighborly", more about the me and not us ? I truly don't know the answer to that question hence this post. I am often amazed when talking to someone that they don't know their neighbors after living there for a number of years. Is Life today so fast and involved that we don't have time for helping others?