A separate thread shows pictures of the sten gun being made in Canada during WWII, presumably to be shipped off to the front.

My question is, could Canada (or Great Britain, for that matter) not have done better? I have learned those things were very unreliable, plus they even look rickety. Cheap stamped parts that failed, poor ergonomics, inaccurate, jamo-matics, etc. Unsafe. I've seen some on display in museums, and they look like cheap junk.

The Germans had the very effective Schmeisser in 9MM during WWII, and the Finns had stamped 9MM's even before the war that were proven reliable. And the Russians had a drum mounted 9MM that was half decent. Is the sten gun the best the English and Canadians could have done for their troops? Seems like it wouldn't have taken much to up that game a bit.

Just wondering.....

Carry what you’re willing to fight with - Mackay Sagebrush

Perfect is the enemy of good enough