Well, now, such a heart rending story. It's almost unbelievable. As for entrepreneurial chops, however, I would have to pass over such creative novelty products, and award the very highest awards for maintaining a functioning freezer in Gaza. That, well that, is a modern day miracle, an almost unbelievable, Biblical miracle - right there in the Holy Land! Since the Jews cornered the market on electricity, just like water ya know. One pipe and one, just one, wire in, that's it. Cut both now for good, but hardly a rare interruption over 75 years. Those sneaky Arab, Palestinian, Muslim - Terrorists! - are hard to stop. BTW, how do you define Terrorist? Surely not American jets dropping 6000 American bombs every week, up to 2,000 lbs each, slaughtering 24,000 helpless non persons so far, with no blankets, food, or Bandaids for amputated children that aren't dead yet. We know that doesn't count.