Originally Posted by Raeford
Originally Posted by johnw
Political parties or platforms and strategies aren't going to do anything for America, as we know it, or knew it. We need leadership, and it's been hard to find. I'll grant that Trump has done and can do good things for us, but I don't see any leadership coming from him. Don't see any on the horizon in any direction...

Without real leadership we're looking at some hard road ahead

Good Lord man!
Trump tried to lead, but so many were blinded by unfounded hatred they couldn't bring themselves to follow that lead.

The EO's signed the first week of J. Robinettes time in the oval speaks volumes.
Undone solely because Trump started it.

Assuming Trump gets reelected, the first thing he needs to do is clear out all the entrenched bureaucrats in his administration. These people actively undermined anything he tried to do. Bastards were spying on him and leaking information to the media as fast as they could to undercut his every move. Why he didn’t do that last time is beyond me. I’ve a BIL who was quite conservative once, but he’s worked in the DC cabal for 17 years now. These days he’s moderate at best. 92% of those DC axxholes are dems. Potomac fever is real.

Yours in Liberty,