Originally Posted by kkahmann
The truckers could turn Washington DC into a fifteen minute city very quickly. The problem is most of DC is poor and black and the people we need to impress will just leave on their private jets.
Now if the truckers got organized and say refused to haul loads down the interstate hwy system this country would collapse into 15minute cities very quickly.

No need to act like certain Hethens and burn down our own homes.

We can target the ones who need hit.

We always love our own ideas,
no one else likes this one, but I still do!

The government needs our tax money, the powerful money men need us
moving dollars. A, somehow organized, Monday strike. One third to a half of non-life essential workers calling off, not going anywhere, not spending any money.

Pre- buy your booze if you need to, it's about a show of displeasure and force.

Ever see the numbers lost reported after a big East Coast snow storm.
They know, in hours how much money didn't flow.

Ironic as heck to me.

I hear the macho chest beating about starting a war.
Something so difficult, horribly ugly, uncertain outcomes......but guys can
puff up and be Billy Bob Bad Ass....in talk.

I propose something very simple, with little risk.
Call in sick, take a vacation day. (I'd prefer unpaid to short the tax man, cant
if i'm off they take from vacation)
Simple, do nothing, make a big statement.

"Can't afford it!"
"Might get in trouble"
"Don't get enough vacation as it is"

Cocksùckers talk killing, dieing, revolution, but they "Can't take a day off work" and stay home!

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!