The whole clan is probably going over to see #3 son, Angus compete in his first World Bagpipe Championship in Glasgow in August. He got picked up by a band in Michigan and they're taking a stab at the Grade 2 prize. There's a whole week where he's going to be practicing, and KYHillChick and I are going to travel around a bit. #2, Moose and his Mooselette are coming as well. We may also see Satan, and #1 son Junior.

We can get a direct connection to Heathrow.

For some reason, I keep getting Muntjac videos in my Youtube recommendations. I finally looked up what it would take to do a Muntjac hunt. I was amazed. The Brits see them as vermin, and the stalking prices are dirt cheap. Of course, if Cincinnati had rats the size of a Labrador with fangs and antlers, we'd keep the price down to encourage hunting as well.

I'm interested in 2-3 of us going on a hunt somewhere close to London in mid-August. Is it worth it? We're used to big Kentucky whitetail. Who has experience? Who would you recommend?

I'm thinking of showing up with no firearm or ammunition and renting. Is this a problem?

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer