....is an interesting book by Barbara Tuchman about the origins of WWI, but it's not what I'm referring to. Of course it's rather the annual August gathering of rifle loonies at Noxen, PA. Just six short months separate us from that hallowed event. The dates are confirmed to be August 16,17,18. Venue: same as years past. Program: same as years past. Focus is on things Savage, but not entirely limited therein - some mighty delectable other arms are presented too.

The main difference from a Fest? The opportunity to actually lift a rifle from the table and go out back and shoot it. A lot if you want to. The event is entirely self contained - bunking, eating, drinking, smoking and joking, all done on site. No need to drive back and forth to a motel room (unless you or your better half insists on it, or you pale at the thought of a couple dozen old guys snoring and farting through the night). It's all about the guns (which enjoy very secure lockup overnight) - viewing, talking about, and shooting thereof. Safety protocols concerning that are strictly adhered to (example: once the beer/spirits start to flow there is no handling of firearms, no joke).

Then there are some who come just for the food. Again, no joke. We like to eat well. Joe Brady and his cohorts set a pretty marvelous table and if you go hungry it's you're own darned fault. Other attendees provide provender that rivals the best kitchens in the country. Once more, no joke. BYOB is required, and even though I've painted pictures of Baccanalian revelry in the past, outright drunkenness is rare. (Well, there's always Joe Bonifant who dances the Hoochie-coo with two beers under his belt, but we won't go there!) Just earnest gun talk lubricated by "en vino et veritas"!

In short it's a grand opportunity to hang out with like minded souls for three days, far from the madding crowd in very, very, very rural Pennsylvania. Be there or be square!

"You can lead a man to logic, but you cannot make him think." Joe Harz
"Always certain, often right." Keith McCafferty