If you look under the hood it looks like we're headed for a crash to me. When I dont know, but could be this year. If you think the money printed during covid was outrageous just wait. I dont think the dollar is in danger yet, quite the opposite actually. i think this will be a global phenomenon and likely caused (or at least triggered) overseas. with the world so tied together, we will go down with them via massive derivative speculation, just my best guess . So the dollar will likely be the cleanest shirt in the laundry so to speak. Sure many of the regional banks will go bust, but our big banks are pretty strong, after the taxpayer bailout they'll get even stronger buying the assets pennies on the dollar, further concentrating power..not good for the lang haul. As of right now there is an absolute [bleep] of money out there so i actually expect the stock market to keep climbing.

No doubt this will be an unpopular opinion here but I dont think it matters who the president was the last 4 years, it'd still play out the same way. Sad truth is both parties love to spend, fiscal policy is out of control and the blame lies at the feet of both parties. I hate to stick up for the FED in any way, but they dont make fiscal policy. Infact I was pretty disappointed when Trump bashed Jay Powell the other day, in my opinion he's navigated this disaster pretty good so far, but ultimately I think he's fighting an unwinnable battle. You could blame him for not hiking sooner and I would agree, he kept the transitory talk up for too long. But in his defense we were coming off the covid printing spree.

I cringe at the people bragging about their 401k's , you'll be nothing but exit liquidity. It will recover some via massive stimulus, but i dont think we'll see the pre bust levels again...possibly ever. All i can tell people is, just like after covid..stop thinking like a consumer. the rich got extreamly rich, and they're about to add to 10X to that on the next bust/print cycle and the poors will get poorer waiting for some politician to come save them. Figure out a way to get a piece of it..
