Originally Posted by geedubya
Close to 600 since July of 2018. Kinda lost exact count.


Originally Posted by geedubya
For the last couple years or so I have not bothered getting up early to get in the stand before daylight. Sleep in till 8 AM, have my coffee with a shot of Amaretto, then mosey out and run the snares and traps.

These days I mostly go out about an hour before dark. Hunt with thermal from dark-thirty til 2AM or so.

Big boars are usually solitary and move mainly at night. I have found that to be a much more productive use of my time.


Schitt Geedub I dont even live there and Im up to over 120 in the same amount of time. I too quit trying to hunt them in the mornings, but I'm gonna hafta give that Amaretto thing a try laugh I highly suggest another called Amarula,and just use it as your coffee creamer...thank me later. I hunt mainly at night too with old school green kill lights, and I have also found the later the better. Hogs are less sensitive to the light later at night and yeah, thats when the bigger ones show up.

"...the left considers you vermin, and they'll kill you given the chance..." Bristoe