4,000 Cubic inch..

Kifaru (the kind that you like anyway, like me) would be a Siwash, or Navigator or AG1 for the Duplex frame version. Those are 4,000ci on the nose, panel loaders with a sleeping bag compartment. No longer made, which makes me roll my eyes a lot.

A Hill People Ute is about the same size, a bit bigger, top-loader. Their Decker Pack frame can come with whatever size bag you want. I like the Hill Brothers, good dudes.

Mystery Ranch, lots of options. I like the overload a LOT. If I were buying 1 Pack, it would probably be the Marshall. The bag design is descended from the Dana Terraplane, (Find a vintage one that has intact padding, buy it, if you hate it, call me...) and the 6500. The tube pouches just seem to work well for my gear, as does the sleeping bag compartment, I can do short trips with just that and the lid without the main compartment, and it compresses well. Surprisingly well. Yep, bigger than 4,000 ci...

If that 4,000 ci is hard and fast (like me in my 20s) then 65L is your volume, the MR Bridger lines up. I haven't carried one...