Originally Posted by Jordan Smith
Originally Posted by SuperCub
Originally Posted by GRF
The CBC needs to completely cut off from tax payers money and be allowed to prosper or die.

As much as I hate the CBC and all it stands for, a sudden defunding would put 1000s of families in a jobless situation. Funding should be decreased on a gradual scale while implementing a no-hire policy allowing it to become smaller. At some point it should be offered for sale to a buyer so at least there is some funds coming back to the tax payer through it's sale.
They will have to look for jobs elsewhere. The same could apply to the bloated federal bureaucracy after the Libs get voted out and the federal government goes on a diet. That’s the risk you take when you accept a job with a controversial public organization.

Top of the morning to you my friend, I hope this finds you and your fine family well on what's been a still but overcast day so far here.

With all due respect to my cyber friend SuperCub, I'm going to differ with him for the following reasons.

In my working life, different businesses I worked for went broke - twice actually - went through 6 different owners in one of them, had major internal changes which led to my job description changing from managerial to welding and twisting wrenches and then there were the times that I submitted my two weeks notice and went elsewhere.

Looking back even further, I'm reminded of the time the Royal Bank manager pulled the pin on our farming operation without notice and then in '81 when the Liberal LaLonde budget came out which shut down construction out here in BC and we were all sent home from a fresh foundation pour on condos that were going to keep us working for the next year.

The short version of that lifetime of work would be that I had no guarantee of employment for much more than a month ever and sometimes that month was me winding the business down when the landlord had called in the Bailiff and changed the locks on our building....

As a former OFA Level II, there were instances where I needed to stop the bleeding on a patient.

We as Canadians, need to stop the bleeding if there is going to be anything whatsoever left for the next generation.

For that matter, if things continue, my generation's "retirement" is going to be fascinating and exciting to say the least.

That's where I'm at gentlemen as once again, I truly believe we are playing for all the marbles here and honestly I hope we're not too late.

All the best.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"