Originally Posted by Stormin_Norman
Putin invaded Ukraine in order to control the gas fields.

There were many attempts at peace, the last of which was in 2022, just before the beginning. Ukraine was actually signatory to some of the documents until Boris Johnson, former PM of UK, travelled to Kiev and as the Globalist, Neocon puppet, agent of the "Empire of Lies" he is, dissuaded Ukraine from agreeing to peace. Promising all the money, weapons, high tech, advisors, etc. so that Ukraine couldn't lose.

Expecting Russia as a backward, corrupt and weak nation like the places they are used to subjugating where aircraft took off, flew through undefended air space and bombed Afghan wedding parties or defenseless Iraqi villages, they fugged up royally....Putin went in weak at first with a small force to try to convince the West he was serious and Russia's army was not very big. He was wrong, not realizing the vicious and virulent globalist Neocon intent was really to destroy his country. NOW there are 750,000 Russian troops on the border with Ukraine with a projected 1.2 million within the next year.

The 2022 agreement stated that Russians in the Donbass and breakaway republics be treated as human beings and not discriminated against, castigated, intimidated and shelled into submission to the tune of an already 14,000 killed. IOW, whatever the regime in Kiev, it must respect the rights of Russians living in these areas.

Second, Ukraine will remain neutral and not be admitted to NATO under any circumstances.....these were the two MAIN reasons but the a Neo Nazi regime in Ukraine was a concern of the Russians, taking heed that from 27 to 50 million Soviet people were killed by the Nazis during WWII.

Sounds like a small price to pay considering the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian dead and Ukraine winding up as a rump state in the end, if even that.

The globalists underestimated Russia big time and they have no way out except to accept peace on Russia's terms which they are obviously unwilling to do


"an armed society is a polite society"