[quote=gnoahhh]If they lead up horribly you're doing something drastically wrong. I've shot a bazillion .45/200's and cannot honestly remember the last time I had to scrub lead out the barrels of the guns I shoot them in. And my bullets are ridiculously soft to boot.

Messy? Define messy. Get a little grease on the fingers? Meh. Gun gets a little cheesed up? Meh again, I clean them after every outing regardless. Smoke? - who cares? If someone b*tched about the smoke where I'm shooting I would patently ignore them.

At the end of the day I couldn't give a rat's patoot if a guy PC's or not. What I don't care to hear is guys rationalizing their way into it for no good reason!![/quote

Agree, never had a problem with 200gn lubed cast bullets. Soft lead, Lyman sizer, ready to go. My crimp is at .469, not sure if that's kosher but works for me. Sometimes I'll use Lee liquid Also on store bought lead bullets if they don't seem lubed enough. By the way, I love the smoke and smell of shooting cast bullets. Moreover, an indication of enough lube is a star like pattern of lube at the.muzzle. Well, enough incoherent babbling from an old fart. Good luck.

Old guy, old guns.