Originally Posted by Teal
Originally Posted by MarineHawk
Originally Posted by Dillonbuck
Originally Posted by gunzo
If ya think Trump met resistance last go around,,,, if he gets elected again,, you ain't seen nothin yet. Last time the enemy was laying slightly low. This time around the cards are all on the table.

I suspect a melee,,,,, at the least.

Gonna be more protests.
Less peaceful, maybe.
They goin' to the 'burbs and rural folks.

It wouldn't surprise me to hear BLM start talking about going out into the country.
Trying to intimidate Trump voters into not voting for him.

They don't understand a lot of us.
We WILL vote to MAGA, and to save our country.

If crowds of rioters want to come for us over that?
We will deal with that problem also.

Is BLM even functioning as an entity anymore?

Genuine question: Has ANTIFA or anything like that tried any intimidation actions in concealed-carry states? I wouldn't think that would be advisable.

BLM and ANTIFA are functioning entities as their funding allows and that funding comes and goes as needed. They're more like a dimmer switch than a light switch. Those that benefit ratchet them up as needed when needed.

As to spreading rural - they might try and if it goes violent, probably won't work well for them. BLM/ANTIFA benefit from the camouflage that comes with being urbanites in urban areas. (I am not talking skin color) Come out here where there are open spaces and you don't know the geography? It's going to end poorly if it goes hot. People in rural areas have lived there for generations, they're the ultimate "Swamp Fox" when it comes to places to be and how to be there and who does/doesn't belong. And there's a much stronger sense of community. I don't think you'll see neighbors sitting on the sidelines hoping they're spared. It's all or nothing.

I've told the story of BLM here in Hicksville.

On a cross-country walk. Milwaukee to DC.
Summer, 2020.

Almost midnight, F'ing around along the road at a junkyard/garage across the road from the owners home. 1130pm. The owner told them to get going.

FAFO,one of them cracked off a 9mm, got a load of shot to the face.
Cops told them to stay in town.

And social media took off.
Both locals and BLM.

They called for a demonstration in town, talked of burning our courthouse.
Built in the 1820s....it means more locally than some out of town thugs.

I drove up that evening, well armed.
There was no need for me, or a place to park.
The town square was covered in folks, carrying everything from axe handles to
ARs. Roughly guessing 300 or more.
The next morning I drove by to check, probably 50 had stayed all night.

There were an equal amount at the junkyard, even guys with rifles posted up in tree stands.

That Fall a group from Altoona, sympathetic to BLM, announced a protest starting in the city park by the river. Leading to a march to the courthouse.

That immediately went viral.

The next day they announced that they were afraid that we might be violent and
"for their safety" it had to be canceled.

The landowner was charged in the shooting.
There were numerous benefits, fundraisers to pay his legal bills.
Charges were eventually dropped.
By the time the hearing were held for the guy who shot first and got shot,
he was I'm jail somewhere else.
The leader got jammed up for issues with kids.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!