I sold a few chokes I didn't want anymore. Decided to use some of the funds to buy a couple Trulock Chokes. They seem to get good reviews.

I bought a Trulock Longbeard XR .665 turkey choke. And a Trulock Deerstroyer (lame name) .710 buckshot choke. Both in Invector Plus. Should have them in a few days.

I'm particularly looking forward to trying the buckshot choke. I've yet to come across an aftermarket extended buckshot choke that outperforms a standard Imroved Modified or Full choke. My Carlsons Buckshot Choke equals them, but doesn't exceed. If the UToob reviews on the Trulock Boar Buster (same as the Deerstroyer) are true, they hold a pretty dang good pattern at 40 yards.

Anyone using Trulocks? Don't hear much about them.