Top of the morning to you, I hope this St. Patrick's Sunday finds you and your fine family well.

Thanks for the video, like so many of yours, I don't always comment but they do make me smile.

Regarding the backstop on your range Jim, I'll share a quick story if I might.

After we'd moved to BC where many of us are crammed into the valleys, I was telling someone about where we shot in Saskatchewan.

When they asked me what I used for a backstop on said range, I said, "Well, Saskatchewan...."

Then I explained that besides the farm house across the road I didn't have anything on the place that was capable of hitting the next closest neighbor.

It's tough for folks who've never been, to grasp truly how much space is out on the prairies on both sides of the medicine line.

Great to see him becoming proficient with a pistol for sure though Jim.

Best to you all with the calving and lambing coming on.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"