Pretty good 4 minute video discussing Longstreets actions and frame of mind during the climax of Gettysburg.
Pete has long been blamed for Gettysburg, mainly by other officers who were guilty of dropping the ball themselves, and history writers with axes to grind.
Many, including Virginia natives wrongly accused Pete of dragging his feet in a misguided defense of the memory of Robert E Lee.

Since I read a lot of history, I have come to admire Pete. Longstreet damn near defeated elements of 3 Union Army Corps with 2 divisions on July 2nd.
Getting warmer finally. Me and Jake are fixing to make a day trip the end of this month. He’s never visited without the leaves and vegetation, which often block the true lay of the ground.
I’m rereading “Stars In Their Courses” in preparation for some exploration myself.
These discussions ahead of time are of interest for others planning a visit. Good preparation always makes a trip more enjoyable and educational.

"Preserving the Constitution, fighting off the nibblers and chippers, even nibblers and chippers with good intentions, was once regarded by conservatives as the first duty of the citizen. It still is." � Wesley Pruden