Originally Posted by flintlocke
I read her polished, sanitized bio when she was nominated. She was nurtured by government, educated by govt, employed by govt... her entire life is due to the largesse of the govt. Like the other 47.9 million of those identifying as black, with very few exceptions, she owes her entire existence to government.
It is completely logical that she would see govt as a force for good. She sees the Constitution as an impediment to all the good the govt is trying to accomplish.
She and most like her unfortunately missed the whole point during ConLaw 101 (assuming the Marxist professor made the point), that the Constitution LIMITS govt. And her tribe will never figure it out. I despair that the tribe will ever be members of free American Society, instead of wards of the govt, if the last 168 years are any guide.

The other “Tribe “is at Fault for their Slaves inability to Comprehend the Value of the Greatest Document to have ever been crafted by Man for Man’s Personal Liberty..

Case in Point the Yenta Lesbian running the NEA

Then Up the Ladder to the Universities ..

Sam Brinkmanship almost tip the Banking System Over

It’s seems every day we learn of another one of their Fanni Progeny of Blunt Instruments in a position to Destroy Society Constitutionally, Socially Etc Etc Etc ..