Stxhunter: Sad and disgusting in so many ways.
During my 29 year law enforcement career I had the sad and disgusting duty to arrest 3 "men" on view for having sex with dogs, 1 man on view for having sex with a chicken and 1 man for breaking and entering into Woodland Parks Children Zoo at night and was chasing a flightless Swan around in its pond - we assumed the degenerate burglar/pervert (no offense meant scumload!) was going to try and have sex with the Swan because he had no pants or underwear on as he chased the Swan AND he had a "boner" (again no offense meant to scumload).
It is beyond my ability to understand these perverts and/or what motivates them.
I wonder how the demonrats will try to rationalize away the perverted actions of that cowhumper there in Idaho?
Hold into the wind