Morning my friend, I see your light is on and hope all is well with you all up north.

As you know I'm active on a BC Hunting forum too and on a carbon tax thread there, threw up a few thoughts this morning.

One poster Olympia, mentioned how the "gloom and doom" cult has been proselytizing now for a half century and by all measures now hold sway in many government and I'd say most secondary educational facilities.

I do not use the term proselytizing lightly or by accident. Many or perhaps most of the practitioners of climate theology have rejected the concept of a higher power, a Deity if you will and have elevated themselves to that position as they plainly believe they - man - has the solutions.

Also and this is important, the more enlightened people are more valuable than those "below" them.

It's a caste system by any other name.

Thus when they suggest that Canadian farmers need to emit less carbon but do not even mention what the plan for replacing lost food production might be, we must all understand that IF Canadian farmers produce less food, people somewhere are going to starve.

IF an imaginary UFO came by and vacuumed up all of Canada, we read that less than 2% of global emissions would disappear with us.

Based upon the latest numbers available, here's a quick overview of seed crops production alone.....

Wheat 2022 - Canada is #7 in the world, producing 34.3 million metric tonnes

Canola 2023 - Canada is #1 in the world, producing 20.3 million metric tonnes - 23% of the world's Canola....

Barley 2022 - Canada is #5 in the world, producing 9.98 million metric tonnes.

We can go on and I'd urge individuals to do that.

Further, we need to understand that our entire population including the big cities is about what there is in California.

We produce more food per capita than any other country above us, so our farmers and the Dutch are some of the most efficient on the entire planet.

But we're the problem and we'll need to cut those nasty emissions.........

The farmer revolts in Europe are partially about carbon emissions and mandatory cuts to fertilizer use, just like Guilbealt attempted here.

If implemented, it will mean less food grown. Full stop.

So somebody goes hungry and a few million will die.

Meanwhile as another poster Jim said, we can't get an ambulance when we're at the Massey Tunnel - saw that on the news yesterday night. Guy had a stroke and waited for 9 hours.

Next story was 87 year old chap in Victoria spent 8 or 9 days in a hallway in the hospital because they're running at 103%.

Also on the news, the true believers in some Lower Mainland centers still want to stop natural gas going into new buildings - lower those carbon emissions you know - despite the fact that there is currently not enough power - FOR TODAY - much less to have no natural gas and everyone plugging in their Nissan Leaf or Ford Lightning tonight.

We, collectively, are being run by religious zealots in my view. Nothing less makes any sense whatsoever.

The same zealots who guide how legacy media reports to us, which questions they ask, which slogans they repeat.

One need only notice how Global, CTV and CBC anchors will use the same or eerily similar phrasing and terms to make the antennae perk up.

Can it be repaired is the question and the short answer is yes and further it's our responsibility to do so.

We were handed a functioning society and it's our duty to pass a working system down to our children and grand children.

Anyways, that's where I'm at this morning gentlemen.

As always anyone is free to disagree with me and cast aspersion upon my thought process.

All the best.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"