Originally Posted by simonkenton7
Dub, you nailed it. It will be crowded and chaotic.

I wish it weren't so. I love eclipses, and I love to drive through Texas. I'd like to come see the show, if it weren't so crazy.

Anyway, we get 88 percent here in the Blue Ridge mountains, that is a pretty good show. I already have my eclipse glasses and I will enjoy the eclipse.
If you're close enough for 88%, you're close enough to drive to see 100%. There's no comparison. 88% is just a shadow on the sun. When it goes total and you have the corona, that's wild. After seeing the last one, I can tell you that it's it's worth the trip even for the 2 or 3 minutes that it lasts.

Thank you Kepler, Newton, and the other old time mathematicians. They developed the means to calculate these orbits to such extreme accuracy years in advance of the event.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.