The video is well worth watching. There was a fork in the road sometime back and we are well on our way to a democracy, soon to be an oligarchy if those currently in control have their way. Watched a video where Tulsi Gabbard explained who is in control of our government. She thinks Hillary Clinton and the magic knee grow are significant players. But they are in collusion with a larger group who seeks a one world government, not just control of the United States. That would be the WEF/UN/NWO.

Hillary Clinton’s role certainly explains the hatred for our country and the reason they are trying to destroy our system of government. She was denied her destiny as the first woman president. She is not only angry, but also evil. As much or more so than George Soros. How many people do you know who had 56 “friends” commit suicide?

Democracy has not fully corrupted our form of government yet, but they are well on their way. So far 26 states have enacted right to carry laws but the judicial refuses to rule on significant issues like freedom of speech and the Second Amendment. It is not because the Constitution is unclear, it is most likely because members of the judiciary prefer to remain members of the living and prefer to have their families alive rather than buried.

We are quickly approaching the edge and will have to either turn around or go off the cliff. This next election and the events leading up to it will determine the path we take.