AGI is about five months out. By the time it develops it probably will be too late. But never fear- AGI and the quickly following ASI will support conservatives and plant the do nothing feel good liberal commies in flower beds wherever they are.

We have about 10 years before it gets very uncomfortable in the room. It will take a long, long, long time for it to get out to KL.

The rich ones are all building their AGI models and are playing with their large language modeling constructs.

Jeff Bezos- Amazon and audible.

Serg Brin and Bill Gates- Youtube and Googe.(OpenSource Chat GPT+ and DallE-4) as well.

Peter Thiel- Ebay

Elon Musk-X

Larry Ellison- Oracle

Tim Cook- Iphone IOS.

These large language models will be used to construct AGI that is level 5 on the AI Scale. We are at Level 4.5 right now.