And djt continues its route to penny stock status in the near future, good luck to those who invested in this maybe the losses will help you out with tax deductions in 2024 tax year. It is not that many stocks that lose %50 of there values so fast, be proud of losing money. If the stock has any value in 6 minths (when donny can sell) the money you invested will help him pay his legal fees so maybe you are proud of helping a billionaire with his legal fees, me I always thought a billionaire should be able and should pay their own legal fees.

By the way maybe if you had taken a gander at donny's other failed ventures (Trump wine, steaks, universitym, water, airline, 2 casinos, ...) you would have realized that investing in trash social was a losing proposition. Those of you that short sold the stock hopefully the high fees did not kill you apparently so many folks wanted to shirt that the fees to so got wracked up.

Have a good day,