Again, Luke’s book of Acts makes it clear that everyone…including the Jerusalem apostles…was completely on board with Paul’s view regarding the complete incompatibility of Jesus’ New Covenant with the Law of Moses. The only one’s in opposition to it were the Judaizers. Like you.

In the narrative of Acts, it’s actually Peter…not Paul…who first learns this lesson from God Himself, and then acts upon it by helping to convert a Gentile, the centurion Cornelius. Then…after Paul’s first missionary journey to Gentile lands…at a conference called in Jerusalem to deal with the issue (do Gentlie believers need to become Jews and follow the Mosaic Law in order to be Christians), there is rousing support for Paul’s view among all of the people that matter, with James and Peter speaking up for Paul’s position.

In Acts of the Apostles there is no opposition to Paul among the other apostles; on the contrary, Paul and the others see eye-to-eye in every way on this issue ~ and on all others. Acts clearly shows that there were no splits in the apostolic band, of any kind, whatsoever. You clearly have a different opinion on these matters. But your wacky false beliefs are quickly and decisively put down by this apostolic unity.

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.