The word respect used to mean we held someone in high regard or admired
them. Over the last few decades the word had degenerated into meaning tolerate
or tolerance. We used to respect the police and held the FBI in high regard. They
were respected. Almost any clergy was respected. Now we are told to respect
everyone’s opinion on everything.

We have hunters telling other hunters they should respect the way they hunt. I
couldn’t care less if a guy climbs up in a tree and ambushes his deer. Just as much I
don’t care if a guy learns to read the wind and kills his deer from 600 yards. I
admire the patience of the ambusher and the ability of long range hunter. But I
don’t respect them. I don’t even know them.

We encounter religious people who claim not to be religious and we are told to
respect them. Why? Some are so full of nonsense they can’t defend their position
without resorting to emotional outburst. I remember one guy told me, “Don’t raise
your voice, reinforce your argument.” He, of course, would not be respected by
those touting respect.

"Only Christ is the fullness of God's revelation."
Everyday Hunter