Originally Posted by earlybrd
Bakin soda bath

We tried the nail polish thing. All it did was kill the chiggers, but left the itch.

1) a bath in water as hot as you can stand it. Put a couple of capfuls of "Pinesol" in the water seemed to kill the critters AND the itch!
2) again, a shower as hot as you can stand it. Soap up REAL good. ALL over. Pay special attention to groin, genitals, butt crack, arm pits and any other skin folds!
Use a harsh wash rag to break loose any that may not be embedded yet.

When I was seven years old, my dad took me fishing at a small farm pond. I had on jockey shorts, tennis shoes and overalls.
Any where clothing restricted, chiggers gathered!
The top of my socks. Around the legs and waist band of my jockey shirts and where the overall straps crossed on my back loaded up with the things.
Dad got eaten alive!
I got an infestation that actually caused me to run a fever! I was one sick little dude!

I'll wade off into almost anything, but if I fear there may have been chiggers, I'll hang my clothes in the sun outside and immediately take a hot shower! It won't always get all of them, but it sure reduces the "population"! 🤯


Last edited by MartinStrummer; 04/16/24.