Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by Osky
The real problem is the vast number of Liz Cheneys, John McCains, and other self serving “republicans” in the halls of Washington.
Servants of the people, now there was a novel idea.


Those are only examples of the obvious traitors that the MSM hails as heroes.

It's the less obvious ones who throw surprise monkey wrenches in the works.

The Supreme Court is bursting with those..

I agree, I stated the obvious. I think Trumps second term would be more bottled up than the first, due to the principal Washington actors. Given the way today the rules are ignored one of many being the payoff of student loans who in any position of power right up to the Whitehouse honors the oath to the constitution?
The Supreme Court has diminished its own relevance, helped along by “ lawmakers” and their obvious dedication to diversity over qualification.
The topic of increasing the judgeships just to gerrymander the Supremes decisions should be considered traitorous.
Anyway, “A republic if you can keep it” were our history’s most prolific words.


A woman's heart is the hardest rock the Almighty has put on this earth and I can find no sign on it.