Originally Posted by OSU_Sig
Originally Posted by Ringman
A heads up for my .com friends.

Made a reservation at Holiday Inn Express. When the confirmation came to my email, they informed me they do not allow ANY guns on their property. No concealed and no open carry. I called them to cancel and gave the reason: They don't care about their employees or customers. The "bad" guys don't care about their policy and would love a place like that where no one can defend themselves.
Where were you staying?

I have stayed in HIE's over the years and have never seen any such notification. Makes me wonder if this is a corporately owned or franchised property.
Someone posted above that HIE leaves that to the franchisee.

What town was this in?

If you take the time it takes, it takes less time.
--Pat Parelli

American by birth; Alaskan by choice.