Originally Posted by SLDUCK
12 gauge not 23 gauge. Had a weird glued on site. I remember sighting in and I centered the target. One shot and good to go

I used a 12 ga 870 Wingmaster here in Iowa and the sight (the same one you used?) adhered to the receiver with an adhesive backing. It was about 9-10” long and was very malleable. You’d bend the front tip and back fork whichever way you needed as the means to sight in. Regular 28” barrel with fixed M choke.

As I recall, I could keep the Foster slugs, about the only thing available then, in a paper plate at 90 yds or so. Walked up a big dry doe in a thigh-high dirty corn field (we used to have those). Straight-away shot. Broke her pelvis and severed the femoral artery. It was about a 20 yard recovery.

Last edited by George_De_Vries_3rd; 05/03/24.