Get it with the right SA and there is no issue with the Bob vs the Souper. I agree with JB on this, how many out in this admittedly rifle loonie forum have one of the new T/C 30 cartridges? Why bother with something that is essentially already out there in the 308? was most people's reaction (including mine). Maybe this cartridge would sell, it is definitely high on "cool", but so is the Bob. Even if it is old. Today's bullets and higher pressure loadings have turned the Bob into one of my want guns, it just needs the right platform, which I ain't seen yet. Ought to be awesome on yotes and white tails.

"Blessed is the man whose wife is his best friend - especially if she likes to HUNT!"

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these."