I do a lot of basecamps where backpacking is a necessary aspect of setting up my camp and here is what I have evolved.

This rig cost a LOT of money, so, this might influence your decision, but, it works in the WORST B.C. weather and is comfortable beyond anything I have yet experienced. I have spent months living in canvas wall tents and I hate them with a passion as a result.

I use a Kifaru 8-man tipi with large stove and liner as my cooking/living space. I have two rollup Cabela's aluminum tables in it and a camp chair plus a Primus Easylite lantern and a Brunton Nova stove plus two hanging LED lanterns, those little grey Glorbs,the new style. All of this can be carried into base camp easily, even the tables in two trips, my camps are a half-mile from my vehicle to avoid theft.

I sometimes will take my Coleman propane lantern, old Coleman propane "grasshopper" stove and have an ID double groundcloth to sleep on or bring my Luxurylite cot plus thin foamy.

I can and will, if a buddy comes along,set up a Hilleberg Saivo tent and matching H-20 tarp and use this to sleep in while my buddy sleeps in the tipi. I have problems sleeping and prefer not to disturb him as he slumbers, so, this really works and a spare tent in remote fly-in locations is a good idea.

You can add to, change, subtract from and vary this rig to suit your needs, budget or desires. It is as light as possible, will keep you comfy for extended periods and is of the best quality you can buy. To me, the cost is worth it, but, that's a subjective thing.