Steve, I forgot to thank you for providing the excellent scientific info. Commendably done. I forwarded your findings along with my note that the differences seemed to be more or less within standard deviation of a single load. My friend is funny about it. We weren't arguing over this, merely conjecturing, but he is tenacious and his response was to note that the difference definitely was measurable, (which seemed a far cry from his original supposition) - so he kind of felt he was "right" so to speak. I sent him a note back chiding him that if his wife had argued his position on this subject he would scoff and say something like, "Yeah, its measurable. About as measurable as a fart in a hot air balloon". CC'd a mutual friend who got a good chuckle over that. Thanks again. Great stats, made the conversation very satisfying.

When a country is well governed, poverty and a mean condition are something to be ashamed of. When a country is ill governed, riches and honors are something to be ashamed of
. Confucius