[quote=Sitka deer]Three different bullheads in freshwater, IIRC... and not all are equal. Black bullheads are the ones we caught a lot of when I was very young and briefly when living in WAY upstate NY. They were very good.

Sitka deer - What do you consider WAY upstate NY? When I look out my living room window I'm looking into Canada, you mean that far up?

Bullheads are kind of a springtime regional delicacy up here. When I was a kid all the kids in town went bullhead fishing about every night from ice out until mid-may. Quite often the fathers and uncles went too, a great time. Like a lot of things, not as much now, but still done. A lot of the VFD's, churches, other organizations have springtime bullhead suppers for fund raisers. One near here has been doing it for over seventy years, the social event of the season in that town. If people don't see you there they look for you in the obituaries when they get home.

Mathew 22: 37-39