Originally Posted by Steve_NO

I know one of the hunters. That was a put-up job from the get go.

I know all 5 of the guys there. Kern and the 4 hunters. They were guilty as Hell on all counts. One of the hunters, who was a son of another hunter, actually took video of them shooting from the Helicopter. The video was shown at SCI at the Convention.

Tom Riley was the head of USF&W Southeast Region. He was forced to retire early because of his involvement and was rewarded by another of the Hunters by being given the head job at SCI. Later he was canned by the BOD after his involvement became known.

Money equals justice and when you are dealing with guys who have millions, to one guy who counts his savings in the Billions, you are always innocent.


"Instead of getting married again I am just going to find a women I don't like and give her a house"